Setting financial boundaries with your parents is challenging. These are the people that took care of you for the first 18 years of your life. But that doesn't mean that you are indebted to them for the rest of their lives, to provide for them regardless of their financial choices. A listener asks about helping her parents financially who have already declared bankruptcy once and are in debt again. Most people that have debt problems don't actually change their behavior. They didn't get into debt because they can't do math. It's not a math problem, it's a behavioral problem. They can't live within their means. They don't know how to manage money and that is why they are back in debt. I can understand why you would want to help them, but what you need to keep in mind is how you help them because you can certainly make things worse. We talk about how to help people financially in a way that helps them be successful and keeps your finances safe in this episode. It is possible to do with set rules and clear boundaries. See the show notes at
We also answer other listener questions in this episode including how long you should hold a bond fund, what an admirable nest egg for 5 years out of residency is, whether you should diversify out of fear for devaluing US Dollar, and putting together a contingency document for your spouse in case of your sudden death.
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