You are going to face many bear markets in your investing career. Having an action plan to survive a bear market is critical. I go over an important list of things to do in a bear market and things to not do in a bear market in this episode. Things like don't sell at the lows, stay the course, following your investing plan, and have a cash reserve on hand. You want to be a long term stock market investor. You don't need this money next month, next year, or even in the next decade. Don't act like you do. All bear markets come to an end and stocks recover eventually. In some respects, this one is a little bit different from other bear markets in that it involves a pandemic. I have a little bit of advice for you specific to this bear market as well in this episode. Your mortality may be a little higher, your income a little lower, and you have more time on your hands. I address what to do for all of those things as well. I think this show will be helpful to you right now. Soon we will be out of this. Maybe it is next month, maybe it is three years from now. I don't know, but this too shall pass.
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