Robinhood has been taking the investing world by storm the last few months. I thought it would be worth mentioning a few things about Robinhood on the podcast. Robinhood is just a brokerage account. It does have no commissions and allows you to buy fractional shares so it is convenient for people without a lot of money. It has become a bit of a cultural phenomenon, particularly attracting young people who have never invested before. The problem is that it tends to inculcate people with a trader's mentality, making investing fun and exciting. Everything that good investing is not. There are dangers to Robinhood and this trader's mentality that I discuss in this episode to hopefully help you avoid the perils of day trading. I also answer reader and listener questions about the finances of starting your own practice, whether it make sense to invest in bonds in a taxable account when you have a mortgage, making estimated tax payments as a W2 employee with 1099 income, what to do with a 401k when you leave your employer, and setting up an account to invest in real estate.
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