Our guest this episode is Jimmy of The Physician Philosopher blog. Jimmy is an anesthesiologist, an academic physician working full-time and living on the East Coast. Despite his youth, he already has some impressive personal finance experience; he increased his net worth by 1/4 of a million dollars in his first year out of training and paid off $200,000 in student loans in 19 months. He clearly knows how to Live Like a Resident. Even though he grew up in a family where profligate spending, credit cards, and even bankruptcy were the norm. Like many financial bloggers and others who become financially literate at the beginning of their career, he plans to become financially independent by mid-career and cut back to part-time by 50. However, working 1.3 FTEs and having a side gig appears to be starting to take its toll, just like it has with many of you. Which brings us to the main reason for the addition of the Physician Philosopher to The White Coat Investor Network. It is his focus on balance, contentment, burnout, life design, and living intentionally. In short, I’m trying to add a little more philosophy to the hard-core financial topics we hit so often.
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