If you invest in the total international stock market index you may be eligible for the foreign tax credit. As long as your foreign tax paid is less than $300 single, or $600 married, it is a rather straightforward process. However, once that threshold is breached, the more complicated form is required come income tax time. The good news is if you're doing your own taxes, you're probably using tax software, and it does this all automatically in the background. But for those with higher foreign tax form 1116 is required. We discuss this in the episode so if this applies to you, make sure you are getting your tax credit. We also talk about physician mortgage loans, sharing financial information with your surviving spouse should you die, and what the going rate for financial advice is. See the show notes at https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com
The White Coat Investor is proud to introduce our No Hype Real Estate Investing course, which will provide the framework for developing further knowledge and experience as you progress in your real estate investing career. We call it an introductory course because there is always more to learn. But this is no short, superficial course. There are over 200 lectures and videos adding up to more than 27 hours of content by over 15 different instructors. We think it just might be the best real estate course on the planet. Continue your wealth-building journey today with the No Hype Real Estate Investing course at https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/courses. You can do this and The White Coat Investor can help.
The White Coat Investor has been helping doctors with their money since 2011. Our free financial planning resource covers a variety of topics from doctor mortgage loans and refinancing medical school loans to physician disability insurance and malpractice insurance. Learn about loan refinancing or consolidation, explore new investment strategies, and discover loan programs specifically aimed at helping doctors. If you're a high-income professional and ready to get a "fair shake" on Wall Street, The White Coat Investor is for you!
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