Managing your medical school loans is one of the most important first financial steps that a medical school student or resident needs to take care of. You need to have a student loan plan of action. Our guest today, Ben White, from, wrote what I consider to be THE book on student loan management, called Medical Student Loans: A Comprehensive Guide, (get it for free at When he started thinking and writing all about medical school loans there just was not that much information out there. He understands some of the history behind medical school loans, how things have changed, and has suggestions for how to handle the changes that could come in the future. He considers student loans to be a "gateway drug for personal finance education." For a lot of students, the moment that the monopoly money becomes real is the first time they have really been forced to confront these issues. We talk all about medical school loans in this episode. If you still have loans or work with students or residents that do, this is a an episode you don't want to miss. See the full show notes at
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The White Coat Investor has been helping doctors with their money since 2011. Our free financial planning resource covers a variety of topics from doctor mortgage loans and refinancing medical school loans to physician disability insurance and malpractice insurance. Learn about loan refinancing or consolidation, explore new investment strategies, and discover loan programs specifically aimed at helping doctors. If you're a high-income professional and ready to get a "fair shake" on Wall Street, The White Coat Investor is for you!
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